Ask parents what’s their greatest pleasure.
They will say: “My kids.”
What’s their greatest pain? My kids!
Does your experience sometimes lean too much towards the pain side?
Do you find yourself:
- Too often yelling at the kids?
- Wondering if you are more accurately named a drill sergeant and a chauffeur than a Mom?
- Experiencing stress and anxiety as you rush the kids to school, to activity after activity, and then again to bed at night?
- Sometimes wondering whether you’re really up to the task?
- Daydreaming about the serene life you had before kids, and then feel guilty for not appreciating them?
- Marveling at moms and dads who actually seem to be calm and enjoying their children?
You are not alone. Self-doubt, anxiety and conflict are normal. But they are not inevitable.
Simi Yellen, mother of six, spent a decade mastering Judaism’s timeless Art of Amazing Parenting. These tools will enable you to create a warm and loving home environment where kids want to be good listeners. Thousands of children around the country are now joyfully listening to their parents and more Jewishly connected, thanks to Simi’s teaching and coaching.
Write simi @ jsli.org to join Simi’s next course.
- Everything is done out of love and nothing is done out of anger.
- Reestablishes the dynamic where parents are in charge.
- Sensitize parents to manipulation.
- Gain the tools to handle negative behaviors in a positive, timely, dignified, instructive, loving but firm manner.
- Learn when to and when not to use consequences with a stress on getting our children to behave not to avoid a consequence, but from a deeper place where right and wrong are truly felt.
- Learn to give children the tools to cope with difficult and annoying situations (which is the cause of a lot of children’s intolerance of life and others).
- Acquire a tool for siblings to work out disputes.
- The kids become more respectful, happier and have more SELF-respect.
- Create a home environment where positivity is real and the love for our children is effortless.
- Create a home environment where Jewish values shine and Jewish identity is meaningful and inherent.
As one couple wrote:
“The system works. We see it, our friends and neighbors see it, as well as the administrations at our children’s schools.”
Were our kids bad? NO
Were we bad parents? NO
Are our kids much much better? YES
Are we much much better parents now? YES
- 97% of participants report the course to be “very helpful.”
- 9 of 10 parents find their children’s behavior improved.
- 8 of 10 parents felt more confident and effective in handling misbehavior.
Write simi @ jsli.org to join her next tele-course.