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How is this haggada different from all other haggadas?

This innovative haggada turns you into a master story teller. Rather than placing commentary below the text, The Art of Amazement Haggada embeds the midrashic details into the text.

“Haggada” means “telling the story” and this haggada will empower you with the mastery of Midrash to keep your participants glued to their seats.

Revised and updated in 2017.


  • Almost everything is transliterated and translated. Very little Hebrew.
  • Suggestions of what parts to skip for less-religious or younger audience
  • Midrashim and questions are embedded in the text so instead of looking down at footnotes or at a different notebook or book, it’s all there for you.
  • Different suggested questions for 2nd Seder
  • 12 Tips on how to prepare for and run a successful, engaging Seder.

Designed and cross-referenced to be used with the participant “Freedom” edition, but will go well with any other haggados.


  1. Leader’s Edition — Paperback binding (Amazon.com)
  2. Leader’s Edition — Spiral binding (longer delivery time)
  3. Leader’s Edition — Download PDF and print yourself:
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  1. Participant’s Edition — Paperback binding (Amazon.com)
  2. Participant’s Edition — Download PDF is included in the JSL Pesach Kit

Organizations – looking for a branded Haggada for your Passover programming?
Click here to see a sample of what we can do for you.