FOR SUMMER CAMPS: sample appreciation activity (pdf)
FOR SUMMER CAMPS: sample Lashon Hara (guarding your tongue) activity (pdf)
J-Wristbands is a new tool to enhance an existing curriculum or add a new element. The goal is to make Jewish content hands-on, interactive, spiritually resonant and personally relevant to young learners. This curriculum will also bridge the gap between school and home.

The Wristband project consists of two key elements:
1. A sophisticated and detailed lesson plan
2. A take-home tool
Topics include:
• Chesed

• Loshon Hara
• Honoring Parents
• Appreciation
With this hands-on interactive approach and take-home tool, your students or campers will learn these vital Jewish lessons in a powerful way that will stay with them for life. Our educational staff stand ready to help you integrate these activities into your unique classroom or camp environment.
Click here to to download the J-WRISTBANDS information packet (pdf).
As a non-profit organization, our goal is to create products and services that serve schools and camps. J-Wristbands was designed and tested with the help of a network of teachers nationwide. We continue to upgrade and update all aspects of the program and appreciate your feedback.